We frequently update this page with videos showing features, benefits and use cases of Artisan Containers . Please check back with us as frequently as you like, or visit our YouTube Channel – ArtisanContainer.

See how it works

Seal your food and prepare it for delivery in under two seconds right on your kitchen bench.

All-paper food container for your entire menu

You can segregate two or three item menus in a container, each having its own opening feature.

One machine to seal 30+ shapes and sizes

The Artisan system provides options to close and seal multiple containers at one time, or one at a time.

Multi-compartment tray options

Options to chose single, dual or 3-compartment trays.

Rigid container even after opening

The takeaway food will reach the consumer in top shape, unopened and in a rigid container designed for this purpose.

Soup and salad bowls

They are suitable for your entire menu selection; from soups to salads and hot or cold items.

Brand your menu and business

The food you prepared is your brand. Your delivery package does not need to be a commodity.

Leak-proof performance with liquid foods

They are leak proof, environmentally responsible, and elegant.

Several sealing machine options

Less than 2-sec sealing time and above 500 tray per hour output on manual machines.